

Through the darkness of the cave, you walk past an inconspicuous Mad echoing laughter fills the air, as a flying skull surrounded by blazing green flames enters the room, shooting fiery rays from his eyes in your direction. These undead flameskulls are the perfect threat to any party of players on a spooky adventure. You can purchase them as a single enemy mini, or in larger groups at discounted prices.


The Flameskulls are scaled for 28mm games common in D&D, Pathfinder, and most other popular tabletop games.



The miniatures are 3D printed from high quality grey resin. This technique produces very detailed miniatures, which have been cleaned, hardened, and are ready to prime and paint.



Designed by BriteMinis


Warning Choking Hazard – Small Parts

This product contains small parts and is not suitable for children under three (3) years old.



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